Popularity Contest 1.4 WordPress 2.6 Plugin Fixed and Hacked


For the English version on clicking the flag to the right ->

Desde hace algun tiempo que el agregado de Popularity Contest dejo de funcionar. Supongo que el señor King no tiene tiempo para actualizarlo.

El dia de hoy me tome el tiempo para revisar el codigo del plugin y hacer los cambios necesarios. Es una lastima que un plugin tan popular se tire a la basura.Ya que en mi blog yo ya habia instalado versiones anteriores del plugin no fue necesario crear las tablas para la base de datos, pero si estas haciendo una instalacion nueva puede ser necesario correr este script contra tu base de datos:

    `post_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `total` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `feed_views` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `home_views` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `archive_views` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `category_views` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `single_views` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `comments` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `pingbacks` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `trackbacks` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `last_modified` datetime,
    KEY `post_id` (`post_id`)

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `PREFIX_ak_popularity_options` (
    `option_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
    `option_value` varchar(50) NOT NULL

Popularity Contest 1.4mod Download/Descarga

Update WordPress 3 support Download


  • Popularity Contest 1.4mod ha sido actualizado para soportar WordPress 2.6.1
  • Añadido akpc_most_popular_in_last_month () hack para mostrar los post más populares de los últimos 30 dí­as.

Por favor necesito informacion/reaccion de como ha funcionado el plugin, gracias.

16 Replies to “Popularity Contest 1.4 WordPress 2.6 Plugin Fixed and Hacked”

  1. ¡Hola! una vez más llegó a su blog………Cuenta con más contenido ahora!felicitaciones!
    Yo me llamo André,un amigo blogger Portugues…….!

  2. How do I put these 2 line into phpMYadmin database table?

    KEY post_id (post_id)

  3. Your code did the trick…I’ve got it working on a 2.6.3 blog. I had to cut the meat of your modded plugin and replace the original plugin’s code (everything except the header) to get it going. For some reason my Plugins page wasn’t seeing your plugin.

    Also, didn’t see the PREFIX in the database tables until after I’d run the SQL.

    After those tweaks, all is well (I think 😉

    Thanks for the help!

  4. Hi,

    Thanks for the hard work. I modded your mod and added the “Create tables” script to the plugin so you do not have to manually make them anymore. Feel free to grab my hack and add the install() function to your mod.

  5. Hola, me sigue dando un error fatal.

    Baje el plugin original, despues ejecute la sentencias en la BD mediante phpMyAdmin exitosamente, fui al edito de plugins y borre todo lo que tenia y copie el codigo que proporcionas. Al momento de activarlo me salio el error

  6. Hello i dont understand what i have to do whit the file .txt ? I have to upload to w-content/plugin

    1. The text file has been posted as an extra. You can edit your plugin via wordpress plugin editor then you copy/paste the txt file into the plugin to overwrite it.

  7. Hola estoy probando este plugin en la versión 2.6.2 y me da error fatal.

    Se te puede ocurrir cual es el problema

    Un saludo

    1. Grabriel:

      Si tengo instalada la 2.6.2, pero no me ha saco el error fatal. Ya lo tenias instalado anteriormente ? o es una instalacion nueva?

  8. Hi

    Glad to see someone has updated this plugin. I’ve a little problem since a few days with it, it seems it just doesn’t count newer post anymore. The rankings are like frozen … Any idea what could have happened ? I was using 1.3b3 on WP 2.6, everything was working fine. I hope that with your version it will work again, but i suspect the problem is somewhere else.

    1. Hi Bertrand, thanks for your comment.

      Mmm I had my info from way back, so im just using the las 30 days. As you can se on the right side bar this post its already on top. So I guess this version of the plugin is working.

      Maybe you can post some feadback a couple of days later.

      Cheers 😉

  9. Thanks for the upgrade, had mine offline for a year!!!

    I manage two blogs and with wordpress 2.5 and 2.6.1, thanks finally popularity contest works on both

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